Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Introducing F.O.C.U.S Females Global

C. Maria Wall Welcomes you to

F.O.C.U.S Females Offering Clarity Unity and Success™ Globally! Spreading hope, inspiration, motivation and encouragement to women and girls all over the world!

This is the global  group for 
F.O.C.U.S Females Offering Clarity Unity and Success ®

New home of the
S.H.I.N.E, S.M.I.L.E, E.C.H.O and S.H.E.E.R.O Programs

E-mpowering, C-ommunities through H-ope and O-utreach
S-ishters H-elping to  E-nlighten and E-ncourage young girls to show R-espect for O-neself and Others

S-elf esteem, H-ealing, I-nspiration, N-urturing, E-ncouragement,

Program for girls and women to build a HEALthy foundation for their future!

S-uccess, M-otivation, I-ngenuity, L-eadership, E-mpowerment

Program for tweens, teens, young & older women who are ready to develop their leadership skills for survival in the personal and business worlds.

WEEKLY SCHEDULE (Facebook Group)

Sunday Shine (Salute your hero or shero)
Monday Motivations
Tuesday Topics (Women Empowerment talk)
Wednesday words of the day (positive affirmations)
Thursday Thanks (what are you thankful for)
Friday Friendships (add/invite a friend or two)
Saturday Showcase (tell us what you do)